12/11/15 2:08AM: First blog post…


Hello! (Its me… Just kidding, I won’t go all Adele on your guys right now)

I’m looking at this WordPress set up, and Its giving me insane flashbacks of middle school Xanga. Is that even a site anymore? Someone click this and tell me. Seriously, thats how mentally exhausted I am right now. I can’t even click a link to switch me over to a new screen so I can relive the tragic memory of my awkward phase. It does sound really tempting, but I’ve been doing homework today for literally the last 12 hours. My head is pounding from looking at a screen, but all I have wanted to do all day is veg out and read a bunch of badass science articles on Reddit. Which reminds me, two Colorado State University chemists, Eugene Chen and Miao Hong (Miao Hong is a female, for all my femmies out there), created a plastic that is 100% recyclable. Here’s the link if you’re interested, which you definitely should be. They completed a process that textbooks and science journals have deemed impossible for years. Its pretty amazing. This new discovery could potentially eliminate things like this from happening. That link is to ANOTHER article I found on Reddit a few weeks back. That one says that there is a giant mass of garbage floating around in the Pacific that is growing at an astounding rate. Its known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch or Gyre, where the plastic to sea life ratio is 6:1. This hunk of crap is twice the size of Texas and weighs 3 million tons. That weighs more than like… 3 million elephants. Which is more elephants than we actually have living in the world because humans are destroying their habitats and sacrificing them to sell their tusks in an ivory trade….

What is going on here? All of these things are all consequences of human neglect. We live on Earth. Earth is our mother. She gives us life. But, we’re getting older. We’re getting smarter. And just like our real moms, we are beginning to neglect her, because our ‘selves’ are more important. We are developing our own selves too much to care that our mother is beginning to die. She is no longer thriving. Her life is depleting. Garbage islands, extinction, holes in the ozone layer, global warming, ice caps melting… How are we continuing to ignore the signs? Even more terrifying, why aren’t we taking drastic measures to save her life?

The flaw in this analogy is that the Earth may give us life, but she is not our mother. It is not her whim to house and feed all of us. It is not her desire to wear herself away so that we (humans, her “children”) can thrive. And, unlike our own human mothers, when she goes out, she’s taking us, and every other living thing on this planet, with her.

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