Well, I’m Awesome..


All this time I was posting blog entries and I ended up not even adding them to my blog page. =( Boo. Eventually, I will get the hang of this WordPress thing. I set it up last semester, but I only really worked with it when I was creating my General Education portfolio… I’ll get there.

Eli and I were going to hit the road back to Utah tomorrow morning, but we ended up staying an extra day so we wouldn’t be rushed. When we lived in Oregon three years ago, he bought this sweet, 1968, baby blue, Chevy truck. He finally had the motor rebuilt, and we wanted to take it back home to Utah so we had to jump through some major hoops to get the old bastard tagged today. I’m glad we gave ourselves the extra time. Luckily, everything worked out, and she will be taking us home on Friday.

I’m pretty excited to head back home. All of my friends keep posting photos of all of the snow. I want to roll around it. It looks so soft and delicate. I usually hate snow, especially in Kansas, but something about a good Salt Lake City blizzard just gets me super pumped. I also really want to try snow shoeing and skiing, because I have never done any sort of snow/winter sport, and I think it looks pretty fun. Maybe getting outside and soaking up some vitamin D would keep me from losing my sanity during the rest of the winter. Winters can be rough for me.

I think I am finally getting my brain back into “school mode”. Its still hard to get things done with all of these cute, little nerds running around here. I got a lot of my homework done pretty early today, though, so I got to spend some Q.T. with some Q.T.’s. It was a pretty great last night in town.

Tomorrow will be kind of a big day for us. We will be loading up the truck and heading up north to Kansas City to see my pops. We are going to spend the evening with him to celebrate Eli and my recent engagement. I’m pretty excited about that. I always miss my dad when I’m in Utah. He’s a pretty rad dude.

I’m feeling a little less stressed about school today. I just try to work at algebra a little here and there throughout the day. It’s so time consuming, and many breaks are necessary in order to not pull my hair out or scream. Algebra online is NOOOOO JOKE.

Well.. I think I’m going to have to wrap it up for the night. Its already about 2AM here in Kansas. I better get some sleep so we can get this show on the road tomorrow.

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Get it in Gear!


I never thought I would say this, but I am so glad I have a 1,000 mile road trip coming up. I am going to be reading the entire way back to Utah. I hope I can get ahead of my classes. I am caught up now, but just being caught up makes me feel behind. I like to be a week or two ahead of schedule, so due dates don’t cause panic attacks.

I love being home, but it is so hard to focus on school when I want to be soaking up the last few hours that I have with my friends and family. I never anticipated what this balancing act might look like.

Back home, all of my friends are used to getting blown off during the week because I am SWAMPED with homework. Its not as easy to tell your eight-year-old sister that you have 3 hours of math homework tonight and won’t be able to play, or to tell your mom that her group messages are driving you nuts when you’re trying to study, or to cancel dinner plans with people you haven’t seen in years!

I’m stressed. End of story.

I hope everyone understands. =/


Week 2, Back in Action


The semester has definitely kicked off again. I am already slightly overwhelmed. The break was awesome, but I am having trouble getting my mind back into the You Always Have Something to Do mode. It also doesn’t help, probably, that I am still in Kansas with my family. I have loved being able to spend so much quality time with them over the break, but it is impossible to concentrate on algebra when you have two little siblings and a niece and a nephew who want to play with you 24/7. I give in a little too much.

So far, I haven’t had much to write. I have mostly just been working through my algebra homework. I’m glad the work load isn’t crazy just yet. I can really start focusing when I get back to Utah next week.

I’m still figuring out how to use my WordPress account as well. I’m hoping when I get home I can play around with it a little more in order to organize my blog and class portfolios a little better.

My goals for next week are to get organized and to learn to navigate WordPress more effectively. Unfortunately, the computer I’m on right now is a little outdated. I’m ready to get back to my computer, so I can see what WordPress looks like on a computer that has all updated software. I can tell there are some things that this computer isn’t allowing me to use. *SUPER FRUSTRATING*

Anyway, I’m ready to get back to Utah and get back to real life. I think my planning and scheduling will start to come back to me when I’m back in my own element. =)