Stasis-Final Essay


I finished my stasis for my final essay last night. I finally feel confident that I am moving in the right direction with my final essay. I picked my focus area, which was my trip my Moab a few weeks ago. I researched the history and anthropology of the region we camped at and the monuments that we saw.

I decided to shift directions to the importance of protecting this area of land. It is important to protect the natural beauty, as well as the ancient history of the parks and public lands surrounding Moab. Currently, there is a plan in place to stop energy development in parts of this region. I hope that I can encourage my readers to back this plan, as well as to ask for expansion to cover and protect this entire region from oil, mining, drilling, and energy development.

To lost Moab to energy development could ruin the beauty and wonder of this region. I am excited to delve deeper into my research about this topic.

Well, I better head back to my math homework, but I’ll leave you with some pictures of the trip. It was beautiful.


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Blog, Uncategorized

I have got to slooooooow down. I have been so busy, I have barely had time to blog. I’m a little upset about this, because blogging is probably my favorite part about all of my classes this semester.

I had an eventful Spring Break. I had friends in town from Kansas to celebrate my birthday. We hit Moab and had a few campouts around the valley. It was some very much needed R&R.

With school, plus The Green Urban Lunch  Box 40 hours a week, I am swamped. Spring Break was just what I needed. I needed that taste of freedom that is just a mere six and a half weeks away (but whose counting?).

English-wise, I just finished my synthesis of sources. WOW! What an assignment! It was extremely helpful with helping me organize my research, but it definitely took hours and hours to complete. That could be because I trashed the first one I started on to start over with a different topic. I bet I put a good 15 hours into that project. I hope it pays off!

Next weekend I think I am going to start mapping out my first draft of my Final Essay. I would start this weekend, but I have part two of my dreaded Algebra midterm next week. Wish me luck. I’m going to need it. I’m so terrible at math.

Anyway, supposedly it’s National Puppies Day or something, so… below is a collage of my beloved Douglas.

I need some sleep. Talk to you later, world.



Writing Lab


I’ve been utilizing the resources that SLCC has to offer this week. I’ve used their tutoring center for math at least five times in the last two weeks. Today I tested out the writing center, and I was delightfully surprised.

I walked into the quiet room. Heather, the writing tutor, was stationed at a desk in the center of the room. She welcomed me in with a smile.

I was an hour early to my appointment, but she sat me down and we talked about my reading and writing history paper any way. She was such a warm person, and made me feel like my stories were interesting and fun to read. That made me like her. I love when people like to listen to my stories.

She deeply elaborated on how to make connections with my stories to my thesis in my paper, and explained to me how to make a clear and connected conclusion. She was extremely helpful and inspiring.

I’m ready to start on my paper. I have new, fresh thoughts to add, and a new outlook on writing.

Thanks, Heather!

Writer’s block (its not what you think)

Blog, Uncategorized

I’ve officially been slacking on my blog posts. I forgot to post last week. I have been working ten hour days, coming home, and doing algebra until I fall asleep. I hate algebra. I wish I never would have taken that class. It is seriously affecting the way I am learning in my other classes. I can’t dedicate as much time as I would like to learning about the things I might actually use in the future. I’ve never been a math person, but I find myself resenting this class thoroughly.

Tonight I am brainstorming ways to conclude my reading and writing history paper. I got an email from professor Bennion asking us to revise. It may have to wait until Friday before I get my first revision finished. Hopefully I can find some time to get lost and study at work tomorrow, so I can write more when I get home.

This is officially the week from hell.

…Two more months.