Blog, Uncategorized

I have got to slooooooow down. I have been so busy, I have barely had time to blog. I’m a little upset about this, because blogging is probably my favorite part about all of my classes this semester.

I had an eventful Spring Break. I had friends in town from Kansas to celebrate my birthday. We hit Moab and had a few campouts around the valley. It was some very much needed R&R.

With school, plus The Green Urban Lunch  Box 40 hours a week, I am swamped. Spring Break was just what I needed. I needed that taste of freedom that is just a mere six and a half weeks away (but whose counting?).

English-wise, I just finished my synthesis of sources. WOW! What an assignment! It was extremely helpful with helping me organize my research, but it definitely took hours and hours to complete. That could be because I trashed the first one I started on to start over with a different topic. I bet I put a good 15 hours into that project. I hope it pays off!

Next weekend I think I am going to start mapping out my first draft of my Final Essay. I would start this weekend, but I have part two of my dreaded Algebra midterm next week. Wish me luck. I’m going to need it. I’m so terrible at math.

Anyway, supposedly it’s National Puppies Day or something, so… below is a collage of my beloved Douglas.

I need some sleep. Talk to you later, world.



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