Final Essay


I just turned in my rough draft of my final essay. I am excited to chat with Professor Bennion today about the essay. Her comments led me to believe that there is too much story and not enough essay in my writing. That’s definitely something I need to work on. I usually end up going into quite a bit of detail and lose the information in the story I’m telling. Its just so hard to fit all of the content into 5-6 pages.

I’m going to take a break from my essay tonight and work on my writing for a few different classes. After I talk with Professor Bennion, I think I can get a better understanding of what direction she is looking for me to take the paper.

I’m excited about finishing it up. I think its going to be a piece that I’m really proud of. I love writing, and I love being able to continuously improve how I write. I can’t wait to hear Professor Bennion’s thoughts on the project.

Two more weeks!


I’m still plugging away at this semester. I’m starting to realize how much writing and drafting this essay for my English class is helping me draft and write my final papers for my other classes. I’m really glad that I can see the immediate benefit of taking a writing class. I hope that I can continue to implement the research steps I have taken for this class with all of my future papers. I am starting to see the purpose of organizing the content before writing the paper. I used to just write the paper as I went, revise my rough draft, and then just turn in my paper. I’m seeing now the importance of organizing my research before I start to write the paper. It makes collecting my ideas and points much easier, and I’m sure it makes the points much more clear for the reader.

We have about two more weeks left of school, and I’m ready! I’m still motivated to put genuine effort into my last few assignments. I’m really glad that I have been able to maintain focus and steam without getting too burnt out this semester. I’m taking in what I have learned these last few months and I’m ready to apply new concepts to my final projects and papers. Two more weeks of heavy rolling, and then summer and warm weather will be what occupies my evenings. =)

A breakdown


I decided to take to the desert this weekend to try to absorb some more about the Moab region. I wanted to tiptoe around the crypto. I wanted to really take in what I was looking at and what I was studying.

Instead, I got a break down.

I broke down in Spanish Fork Canyon, in old blue. She vapor locked at the first sight of an incline. In my frustration, I roached the starter. Here I am at home. She sits on the side of a lonely mountain brim.

I’ll continue my research from afar this weekend. I sent a camera in the pack of a moto rider headed that way. I should at least get to see a digital crypto mound and a Moab sunset.

Our final drafts are due in about two weeks. I had better get to writing!